A mutt for a mutt.
This was my life long pal Onyx.
We got her from friend as just a normal mutt puppy We soon realized that she was a puppy full of worms and diseased . . . yes Sick as a DOG!!!
Marilyn fed her and nursed her back to health and even though Marilyn was initially responsible for her health, even her life, to me, she became MY dog.
The kids grew and so did Onyx. She grew physically to her full height (about knee high at the top of her head) and developed a life long love affair with chasing green fluorescent tennis balls. She loved them and would chase all thrown balls, even those hit with a tennis racket until she was unable to run another step, lay down for 90 seconds, and then run until unable to move again.
As our kids matured they did what all kids are supposed to do. They graduated from high school and prepared for things afterward.
The girls went off to bastions of high education. The boys served the Lord as missionaries.
As my children went off; Onyx, my true blue pal stayed right with me.
She was patient and understanding, always happy to see me, truly thrilled for just bit of attention usually in the form of scratched ears and tummy