Monday, January 11, 2016

I was having a conversation with a member of may family that will remained unnamed.  That person mentioned the fact that they did not feel that as their parent I was proud of them.  Maybe another way of saying it would be that I was more proud of one more than another. 

As a modern day parent how does one proclaim their pride in their children from the roof top without being a total ass.   

So as I sit and think about that I have just a couple of questions.

Where can a parent that is proud of his child state that so the world can see it?  I know of people that spend a significant part of their lives promoting how bright, knowledgeable, accomplished, and perfect their children are.  Regardless of they are Making sure the proper pictures are posted on the right website.  Making sure the magazine or local newspaper has access to the latest and greatest event . . . significant or not . . . that will make them a star.